2018년 3월 12일 월요일

Divine energy that moves the universe

Divine energy that moves the universe <Psy-Power>

sorce - book 싸이파워 <psy-power>
T. 82-10-3521-6027

The Indian people say that the ice-like self is not our subject, but pure energy like water is our true self, and this is called "atman". The pure energy of all things is called brahman. And that Atman and Brahman are the same thing. In the Cosmos Center, we mean both Atman and Brahman, and our spiritual energy that can move the universe is called Divine Energy, and in English it is called Psy-Power.
If you want to create the world you want now, you will come up with a reason why you can not do it. It is perceived as if the world of the particle you have experienced and dominated you can not be caused by interference. It is impossible for the seed to think that the seeds that are deeply embedded in the soil are pushed out of the soil through the soil and the stone. That's why you think you can not be right now. However, the seeds emit energy to leave the soil and leave themselves in space. Then the universe does not know what it did, but anyway, the seeds get out of the dirt and bloom. It is the power of Cypress to create the world you want, leaving your energy to go into space.
In the end, PsyPower is the force that changes the real world in which the universe moves by itself as the function of the universe and the conditions of the sky are met. The world we see now is the world that the universe moved and created. 

But from now on, CyPower is a way to move the universe through our thoughts in our minds, so that the universe realizes what our mind wants in the real world. If we write this way, we move the universe, and if we do not know this way, the universe will create our real world according to the conditions of the heavenly world. 

Because our mind is a heavenly world like the sky world of the universe that is not visible at all, the action of the universe by man is ultimately the same power. It is as if the seeds under the earth or the universe that sprouted the sprouts on the ground or, as a result, can not be divided.
From now on, you can create your own life through this CyPower. However, there are some attitudes to be prepared to intentionally use CyPower. Depending on this preparation process, there is no effect of CyPower, and it is a great prayer, but if you repeat it repeatedly, you will learn the reality.
The most important thing is faith in CyPower. From my heart, I decide that what I want is done through cypower.
Audit status
I believe that the universe will receive my demands, and I execute it in the state of gratitude to the universe. I would also like to thank the Cosmos Center for reporting this method.
Dahabjeom (다한점 - It is a hemorrhoid in the hand used in hand - acupuncture therapy)
'What if I do not?' And enhances the power of PsyPower by stimulating all the points in the palm that enhance the concentration of the mind. Photo-10
In order to concentrate your mind dramatically, you drink in your nose and collect it in your panties, stop breathing, or run it with a very thin, even, long nose. If it is not enough, repeat it again.
Shin Sung Mok (Divine Eyes)
With your eyes gently squeezed, put one hand of the two hands about 10cm in front of Azuna Chakra (Migan) and feel your hand when you shake it with your finger slightly open. The eyes that I feel like this are called ginseng. It is used when relieving body and mind tensions, eliminating the misconceptions and immersing the self in the deep vacuum state. Photo-11
A word in your mind to get rid of all negative thoughts and inspire cosmic consciousness. My strength by me from me to me! > The first I say myself, the second I want, the third I am universe, and the fourth I Divine energy, ie, PsyPower. The subject that realizes the desired wish to the real world here is the universe of <By me>. And it is true cypower to realize what you want in the real world through the action of this universe.
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I myself am not a dirt-like thing in the infinite universe. I am cosmic, and an infinite universe is attached to my body. In other words, if I direct the universe to what I want as head of the universe and head of the universe, then the universe will move according to my will. Therefore, it is not to ask from the low to the high, but from the high to the low.
1. CyPower realizes what you want through your mind to the real world, but its starting point should be reality, not your mind (realizing what you need in reality through the universe)
2. When the mind moves, the sky moves along. If you plan to make your mind come true, you will move along the sky so that the plan can be done. When you take a closer look, the weather is very clear that day.
3. The desired wish must be one that can be photographed. You should not be allowed to live in harmony, and you should want to be able to take pictures with your favorite house or passenger car. The meaning of the photo is not abstract or hearty but realistic.
4. Close your eyes gently and watch your hands in front of your eyes through the neck. If you can see your hands without thinking, gently lower your hands and concentrate on the background where your hands are moving. And draw what you want on this basis. It does not matter whether it's a movie or a picture or a picture.
5. At this time, if a thought or a negative thought comes up, it is shaken by <hand wave>.
6. Prepare and execute when wishes are made.
In order to have what you want, you should be ready to accept it when it is done right now. If you want a car, you must have a garage ready. In addition, when you sell your own things, prices and conditions must be clearly and precisely determined. 

And you should want to live. And if a person who lives now appears, it must be decided on what conditions to sell. It is not a feeling that you should give and receive much, just because you are greedy. And I draw the final result like a video by writing a contract to sell or hold the desired money in my hand. In audit status.
7. <Yaho> If it feels like it will not be done yet.
8. If you are as excited as you are going to be, you are going there.
9. 'I can not!' Do not worry. Then you are sure to be concerned.
10. If you are delighted that you believe in your promises before it happens, you will have problems. It is because the joy of the heart pushes the joy of reality by Afrocas. Keep your mind vacuum until you are in reality and wait patiently.
11. Before it is done to reality, it is done. Do not tell anyone.
12. If you are feeling irritated or impatient and waiting for results, the effect is reduced. In this case, you can see yourself smile on the desktop through Shin Sungmok, and in a relaxed state, believe that the universe takes care of it and forget it. It will soon be.
13. When joy and sorrow disappear (vacuum) it is done in reality. At this time, the mind is merely dumb.
14. Mind and reality work in the african sense.
The expectations, desires, abuses, anxieties, deliberations, intentions, and rejections in the mind act in the real world, and satisfaction, joy, gratification, pride, pride, neglect, and neglect in the heart act to push the reality.
15. Bear in mind that when you are in a state of appreciation, you are accepted from the universe and always be in a state of gratitude.

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